Friday, April 12, 2013

Give your hobby the “pro” touch it deserves!

1 – A hobby that lasts

Many people have a passion for something, a favorite pastime, a hobby. When it comes to collecting and sharing, social media is becoming an important tool for any hobbyist. 

There are several options to choose from:
  • Social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
  • Software: Photoshop, WordPress, blogs, vlogs, etc.
However, it takes time to get familiar with these platforms and programs. Let’s say your passion is cooking. In that case you most probably like to collect and share recipes. Keeping notes and pieces of paper in your grandma’s old cookbook may be charming, but it is certainly not the best way to organize your precious recipes. No one will be able to try any of your dishes if you store your recipes in a bookshelf. Sharing them online, other people can also benefit from them but there are some technical tasks to be mastered, which can be a bit time-consuming. This may seem like a lot of work to be invested and it could be the reason why many people never take their hobby to the next level.

2 – A professional touch where and when needed

A hobby should still be a hobby and not become a job. It is your passion and you should be able to enjoy it. At the same time, you need to invest some of your time to get everything organized in order to share it with likeminded people. The good news is that you can hire a specialist like Project SoKo to do this for you. Our virtual assistants at Project SoKo can take over these tasks and give your hobby a professional touch. 

Project SoKo can help you with:
  • The creation of various platforms to get your hobby organized, whether you prefer a blog, a website or brochures;
  • The maintenance of these platforms to keep your information up to date;
  • Sharing your hobby via social media according to your needs.

3 – Do it like a pro at minimal costs

A hobby should be a fun way to unwind when you are not working. Obviously you don’t want to spend a lot of money on the organizational part of it. 

Project SoKo has the ideal solution for you:
  • Our virtual assistants come at a low price;
  • The service will be adjusted to your personal needs;
  • Flexibility is one of our strongest points.
Give it a try! With our “pro” touch you might even turn your hobby into a business!